Why You Should Sign Up For The Stunt Breakdown
Working as a stunt performer is like being on a roller coaster. Sometimes you're up, enjoying the beautiful view and top-notch crafty, and then almost as quick as you got there, you're headed back down. And when you're down, it can feel like you're never going to get back up again.
Being a stunt performer takes time, lots of networking, and countless hours of training. It actually takes a whole lot more to be successful, but one of those things can be especially difficult in today's world: networking.
Getting your name out there and in front of coordinators is tricky. However, thanks to the brains behind StuntListing, they created an easy way for you to reach out to Coordinators who are actively accepting submissions. You don't have to worry about if they want to hear from you or not, or how to get their information because all the heavy lifting is done for you.
Breaking down The Stunt Breakdown
The Stunt Breakdown is a production database that lists not only upcoming/active TV/film productions and the Coordinator's running them, but it also lists exactly how the coordinator likes to receive their submissions.
Some prefer a certain style headshot or to a specific email address while others have no preference what you include as long as you include the necessary items (headshot, resume and reel). That's a lot for you to have to remember with hundreds (maybe even thousands) of coordinators you could reach out to over the course of several years. Thankfully, that's all taken care of and clearly shown. Here's an example:
If each coordinator has different preferences, you'd need a separate degree just to keep all that information organized and updated. Or you could just get a subscription to The Stunt Breakdown.
The facts
- Run by real, working stunt people
- Only verified projects are listed
- Every project is Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator or Stunt Assistant confirmed (no room for rumors or bad info here!)
- Updated electronically multiple times per week
- You're never out of date since it's always published
- Submission review, edits and tips for future submissions are available with certain productions
- $399 annually
- Last but not least - a TIP Hotline
- If you know of a production that's not listed, you can supply the team with the production information via the TIP Hotline and if confirmed and listed, you'll receive your very own $50 tip! (talk about generous!!)
In the wild world of entertainment, everyone is on their own path to success. Some make it harder for themselves and others make it easier. Be a part of the latter group and join The Stunt Breakdown so you can worry about other things, like keeping up with your training. If you have any questions before you take the leap of faith and subscribe, reach out to the team at Info@thestuntbreakdown.com. They'd be happy to answer any questions you have.
Check out the StuntListing Podcast to learn more!