The 2023 WGA Writer's Strike asked Stunt Coordinators: "What do you think stunt people should be training during the 2023 WGA writer's strike?" Here's what they said:
"While the writer’s strike has caused a measurable slowdown in work, it will undoubtedly be resolved—and when things do come back, it’s likely to get be very, very busy! I’d encourage anyone who has time on their hands now to use it wisely; refresh your resume/reel, update your headshots, and train, train, train! Downtime like this is a wonderful opportunity to heal old injuries, work on new skills, and get tuned up to come out of the gate hard as soon as the work picks back up. Above all, stay stoked!"
-Chris Denison
"They should be taking acting classes."
-Myles Humphus
"My thoughts are this….1) Have yourself a good support system.
2) Stay busy and stay active with your training! Sharpen your current skills and NOW is the time to expand/develop new ones, as well.
3) If you do have a specific skill/s you can offer industry related (ie: martial arts, rigging, personal training, equestrian lessons, gymnastics, etc) or not (yard work/maintenance, baby/pet/house sitting, meal prep, etc) monetize that by offering your services. We all have bills to pay and it’s going to get tough before it gets better. Time to get creative!"
-Freddie Poole
"Honestly, I don't think it changes much. The thing I think everyone should be doing always is learning -- in fact, I was at my computer studying some filmmaking principles when I got this query. Improve your skill set as a performer -- if you're a specialist, try to make it so you stand out even more. If you have holes in your abilities, fill them. Be a better filmmaker. Learn camera, cinematography, editing, visual effects. Study what other departments do, and how to better interface with them. There is just SO much to learn, and every bit you know makes you more valuable, not just to the coordinator that hires you, but to the production that hires them."
-Dave Macomber
A strike can be a very scary and intimidating time, but it can also be a great opportunity to expand your repertoire. This is an ideal time now to train both physically and mentally. Learn new skills, teach yourself something that will make you more money in the long run. Along with all the usual stunt skills, you can also learn how to edit and do after effects. Learn about camera. And sharpen your physical skills while you can! Now is also the time to be tightening the purse strings, and not over extending yourselves. We do not know how long this is going to go, so save your money! Everyone in this business should have a large buffer for times like this!
-Thom Williams
This is the time to go back and work on updating your resumes, and especially any and all electronic sites you may be on.
During my last show just a few months ago where I hired several people and also helped casting with 3 major roles for stunt actors, I was surprised by the number of resumes I saw that were either missing information, or didn't have a standard layout so I could easily read them and take information quickly.
Remember that the Stunt Coordinator has to build a file that has to be sent to different departments so having your resume in a PDF format that is downloadable is helpful. Name, Contact Info, All Sizes at the top then, credits below, (Film, TV, etc. ) training and special abilities follow that.
This is also the time to update your reels if need be, and also the time to take additional training or work on skills that need attention. Taking a few acting lessons doesn't hurt as well. I've hired and have helped get many stunt performers who can act get jobs.
If you're already updated and on top of things, Take up Golf! 😉
-Tony Vella
It looks like this strike might last a bit and knowing that the NY film tax incentive has passed, our market should explode with work after the strike. Take this down time to train, go over your stunt equipment and even more important spend time with your family and friends.
-Cort Hessler
Keep training and enjoy life, not necessarily in that order.
-Colin Follenweider
Take this time to train with friends and get together with others. Set up a time and place and invite people to get together. You never know what can happen.
-Eddie Perez
Stay on track as a stunt performer. Now is a great time to update your profile and get your skill reels edited and online!