Profile Best Practices

How To Make a Stunt Reel

As a stunt performer, your stunt reel is your calling card. It's the first thing coordinators and directors will see when considering you for a role in their production. Therefore, it&

What Is A Skill Reel?

As a stunt performer, your skills and experience are your most valuable assets. One way to showcase these skills to potential hiring coordinators is through a skill reel. What is a skill reel?

But First, Let Me Take A Selfie

Feel like your selfies just don't do you justice? Fear not, my friend. Below are some tips to help you send better selfies and make a great impression. Got your notebook

The Best StuntListing Habits

Are you a stunt performer looking to get noticed by coordinators? Do you also want to get everything you can out of your Premium StuntListing membership? Here are some of the best habits

Premium Profile Perks

Have you ever considered upgrading to StuntListing Premium? It's a game-changer for your stunt career, so if you've never thought about it, let's dive in. By upgrading,