StuntListing FAQ

In case you missed it, StuntListing was relaunched in early 2023 and if you haven’t logged on or edited your profile in a while, you may not be aware of all the exciting new changes.
Coordinators - do you know about the new search bar and list upgrades that make your job easier?
Performers - are you aware of the changes that may affect your profile visibility?
You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers!
StuntListing FAQs
What's on the site for Stunt Coordinators?
What's on the site for Stunt Performers?
As a Stunt Performer, what should I do now to get the most out of my profile?
How do I get my profile to 100%?
How do I learn about the free, time-saving Stunt Coordinator Tools?
Let us know you're interested by emailing
Why aren't my skills showing up in skill searches?
To appear in skill searches, you need to have a description and rating. To appear at the top of the skill searches, you need to have a skill reel.
What is a Skill Reel?
A skill reel is a reel about one skill in particular. For instance, a high fall skill reel would show all of (and only) your high falls. We use them so that coordinators don't have to search through dozens of stunt reels to find a specific skill.
Do I need a Skill Reel to list a skill?
No! Skill reels are helpful for getting hired, but they are not required to list a skill. What is required for listing a skill is a rating and a description.
I need some help beyond the FAQ?
Send us an email at We're here to help.