The 3.5 Year Journey to Launch

The 3.5 Year Journey to Launch

For the last three and half years, Warren Hull and I, with support of the entire StuntListing team, have done something extraordinary: we've rebuilt from the ground up.

Our mission at has always been to provide the services that stunt performers and coordinators need. The last version of StuntListing (version 2) was an amazing service that provided stunt coordinators with the tools they needed to find the best stunt performers for their shows. It was the go-to service for hundreds of stunt coordinators on thousands of shows for the last seven years. However, the website had technical limitations that could only be overcome by tearing everything down and starting from scratch.

I'm extremely proud of all the hard work we have done to make the best it can be. We could not have done it without the support of the over 4000 performers who’ve registered on the site. The greatest part of having a community of competitive performers is that they support each other - and we have grown tremendously on your support and feedback. Thank you.

After all this focused, difficult, but enjoyable work of developing the site, I need to ask one thing of everyone: please get your profile to 100% today with all of the information that will help get you hired. It's an important one and it helps the stunt community at large.

To give you a short checklist:

  • Add all your headshots
  • Rate your skills & add any missing skills
  • Consider a premium membership to support our mission.

At the end of the day, we all succeed when you succeed. Updating your profile is an important part of the equation and we can’t do it without you.