Complete Your Profile

Chances are your profile isn't 100% complete. Filling one out can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to know what the right or best information to include is. Or maybe you just don't have the experience to add to begin with. All that's ok - as long as it remains a priority to finish filling it out.
Things move quickly in this industry and many times, coordinators can't (or won't) wait for a response asking if you can do a certain gag or not. If they need to take a gamble (and that's what it is) on a performer they don't personally know, they're much more likely to interact with and hire someone who has a profile at 100%.
Having a completely filled out profile shows that you take your profession seriously and you have the experience to back it up. Even if coordinators don't know you, your profile should be able to inspire enough confidence in the coordinator that you can do the gag properly and safely enough to hire you.
How do I know if my profile is 100% complete?
While in edit mode, look at the right hand side of the screen and you'll see a box that looks something like this:

What do I need to get my profile to 100%
In a nutshell, you need to:
- add your personal info and location
- upload a headshot, resume, reel
- select, rate and describe ALL your skills (having skill reels is important too!)
- include your social media links
- write a short bio about yourself
Performers with profiles that are 100% complete have better odds at landing a gig. Sites like allow you to introduce yourself without actually meeting the coordinator. Don't make a bad impression before you even meet the coordinator by having an incomplete or unprofessional profile. If you need some guidance on your profile, reach out to with questions.
To learn exactly how to get your profile to 100%, head to: